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Stopping & Parking

General Rules

  • Cars may only stop or park on the right-hand side of the road, in the direction of traffic. Exception: If the road is one-way, or if there is a railway or tramway track on the right-hand side, then cars may park on the left-hand side of the road.
  • Cars must park or stop as far away from the centre of the carriageway as possible.
  • You are not allowed to park up to 20 metres before or five metres after a bus or tram stop. You may only stop within this area to set down and pick up passengers if you can do so without disrupting public transport.
  • Only special permit holders may park in parking spaces for disabled persons. If you do not have such a permit, then you may only stop at these spaces to pick up or drop off other passengers.

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  • When parking at the side of a road in the dark, you must have your parking and tail lights on so that other road users can see you.
  • It is prohibited to park or stop in a place where you become an obstruction to other traffic or a danger to others.

Places Where it is Prohibited to Stop or Park

  • Where the sign No stopping or parking is displayed.
  • Where your vehicle is obstructing the view of road signs or traffic lights.
  • At or within ten meters before or after a junction.
  • At or within ten meters before a pedestrian crossing, bicycle crossing, bicycle passage, intersecting bike path or foot path (this only applies before; cars are permitted to stop/park directly after).
  • At or near the crest of a hill.
  • On a clearway or motorway.
  • At or near a bend where there is limited visibility.
  • At level and tramway crossings.
  • In a tunnel or underpass.
  • At roundabouts.
  • In lanes reserved for vehicles operating a regular service.
  • In a bicycle path.
  • In a prohibited area.
  • Where there is a solid line and the distance between your vehicle and the line is less than three metres. Exception: If there is a broken line between the vehicle and the solid line.
  • At solid yellow lines on the road or the curb.

Parking Advice

It is important to make sure that your car will not begin to roll away once you have parked it. You should therefore always engage the parking brake and put the car in gear when you park. In cold, damp conditions, you should only put your car in gear as the parking brake is at risk of freezing in place. When parking on a slope, you can turn the wheel in order to prevent the car from rolling out onto the street. On an uphill slope, turn the steering wheel to the left so that the wheels of the car are pointing towards the street. On a downhill slope, turn the steering wheel to the right so that the wheels of the car are pointing towards the curb.

What Counts as Parking?

Regardless of whether you stay in the car or not, stopping your car is always considered to be parking, except when you stop for the following reasons:

  • Because the traffic situation requires you to.
  • To avoid danger.
  • To drop off or pick up a passenger.
  • To load or unload goods.

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If you stop in order to use your mobile phone for a moment, you’re still considered to be parking.

Places Where Parking is Prohibited

  • Where the No parking sign is displayed.
  • On major roads.
  • In places where parking would obstruct entry or exit from a property.
  • At a passing place where the Passing place road sign is displayed.
  • On the carriageway beside a vehicle that is already parked (this is known as double parking). Does not apply to two-wheeled vehicles such as bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles or similar.
  • If one of the wheels is located outside of a parking bay.
  • So close to another vehicle that you are blocking the vehicle from driving away.
  • If your car blocks another person from accessing their vehicle.
  • At a yellow broken line on the road or curb.
  • Within 30 meters before and after a level crossing.

Sign – Parking

You can park for free for 24 hours at parking spaces where this sign is displayed (unless otherwise stated). This applies to all days except Saturdays, Sundays, days before holidays and holidays. No time limit applies on these days. This means that if you park your car on a holiday, your 24 hours will be counted from the next working day.

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If you park your car at 1pm on a normal Monday, then you must collect your car by no later than 1pm on Tuesday.

If you park your car at 1pm on a Sunday, then you must collect your car by no later than midnight on Monday evening.

If you park your car at 1pm on a Friday, then you must collect your car by no later than midnight on Monday evening. If the 24-hour- rule is interrupted, then your 24 hours will first be counted from the next working day.

Supplementary plate

If there is a supplementary plate with time indications under the Parking sign, then the sign applies during certain times of the day.

How to read a supplementary plate with time indications:

Black or white numbers not in brackets are time indications for all days except days before Sunday or holidays, usually Monday – Friday.

Black or white numbers in brackets are time indications for days before Sunday and holidays, usually Saturdays.

Red numbers are time indications for Sundays and holidays.

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Parking Disc (P-disc)

Parking discs are used for time-restricted parking at certain parking spaces.

How to use a parking disc:

  1. If you park within the times indicated on the supplementary plate, you set the parking disc to the next half hour after your time of arrival. If you park before the time indicated on the supplementary plate, then you set the parking disc for the time that the time-restriction period begins at.
  2. Place the parking disc in a visible position behind your windshield.

Date Parking

Date parking means that there are specific parking rules depending on the date. This parking system is used in certain urban areas in order to facilitate cleaning and snow clearing.

The date rule:

  • On uneven dates it is prohibited to park on the side of the road with uneven house numbers.
  • On even dates it is prohibited to park on the side of the road with even house numbers.

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If there is a supplementary plate with time indications, then the parking prohibition only applies during the times indicated. At other times, you can park on either side of the street.

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When you see this sign you may not park here on uneven dates.

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When you see this sign you may not park here on even dates.

Traffic Warden

The traffic warden’s main task is to make sure that parking rules are followed. If a traffic warden notices that a parking rule has been violated, then they are entitled to issue fines or parking tickets.

Traffic wardens are employed by the municipality and also help to improve accessibility and safety on the roads.

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